Natalie Mazorol
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Campfire Comics & Stories Quarterly | Winter 2020

Campfire Comics & Stories Quarterly “Winter 2020” is a full-color, comic book anthology published by Dennis Madamba and Kyle Harabedian and featuring work by an international lineup of artists including Camilo Aguirre, Felipe Muhr, Luke Ellison, Dennis Madamba, Jackie H.Y. Kim, María José Castillo Ortega, Alexander Mitchell, Dream Chen, Jo Yeh, James Bascara, Manolo Moreno, Diana H Chu, Natalie Mazorol, Kyle Harabedian, Xiaojie Liu, Bowen Tan, Xiaohua Yang, Georgia Peaches, Diego Cumplido, Antonia Bañados and Roshan Ganu. Graphic Design by Tianrui Zhang. The printing was done by Mixam. The theme of this issue is “Winter”. Cover by Niky Motekallem.
Campfire Comics & Stories Quarterly | Fall 2019

Campfire Comics and Stories Quarterly “Fall 2019” is a full-color, comic book anthology published by Dennis Madamba and Kyle Harabedian and featuring work by an international lineup of artists including Jackie H.Y. Kim, Benjamin Grzenia, Luke Ellison, Mengqian Chen, Jo Yeh, James Bascara, Manolo Moreno, Joi Yao, Diana H Chu, Kyle Harabedian, Natalie Mazorol, Roshan Ganu, Bowen Tan, Alex Mitchell, with Graphic Design by Tianrui Zhang. The printing was done by Mixam. The theme of this issue is “Fall”. Cover by Sishir Bommakanti
Campfire Comics & Stories Quarterly | Summer 2019

Campfire Comics & Stories Quarterly “Summer 2019” is a full-color, comic book anthology published by Dennis Madamba and Kyle Harabedian and featuring work by an international lineup of artists including Camilo Aguirre, Kyle Harabedian, Jackie H.Y. Kim, Dennis Madamba, Alex Mitchell, Manolo Moreno, Bowen Tan, Xiao Hua Yang, and Jo Yeh with Graphic Design by Tianrui Zhang. The printing was done by Mixam.
The theme of this issue is “Summer”.
Cover by Alex Mitchell
Campfire Comics & Stories Quarterly | Spring 2019

Campfire Comics & Stories Quarterly “Spring 2019” is a full-color, comic book anthology published by Dennis Madamba and Kyle Harabedian and featuring work by an international lineup of artists including Dream Chen, Diana H. Chu, Diego Cumplido, Kyle Harabedian, Xiaojie Liu, Dennis Madamba, Alex Mitchell, Felipe Muhr, Luisa Rivera, and with Graphic Design by Tianrui Zhang. The printing was done by Mixam.
The theme of this issue is “Spring”.
Cover by Dream Chen
Campfire Sunday Comics | 2018

Campfire Sunday Comics is a broadsheet newspaper comic anthology published by Dennis Madamba and Kyle Harabedian that features work by an international lineup of artists. Each artist was given half a newspaper page to tell their story. Featured artists: Ryan Peltier, Luisa Rivera, Manolo Moreno, Felipe Muhr, Xiaojie Liu, Kyle Harabedian, Luke Ellison, Diego Cumplido, Xiaohua Yang, Jo Yeh, Alexander Mitchell, Ana Laura Juarez, Natalie Mazorol, Dream Chen, Sishir Bommakanti, and Dennis Madamba, with graphic design by Tianrui Zhang.
The theme is “A Day in the Life”.
It was printed in full color on newsprint by Newspaper Club.
Campfire Comics and Stories | 2017

Campfire Comics and Stories is a two-color, risograph printed, anthology comic book published by Dennis Madamba and Kyle Harabedian and featuring work by an international lineup of artists including Dream Chen, Diego Cumplido, Kyle Harabedian, Jasu Hu, Dennis Madamba, Natalie Mazorol, Alex Mitchell, Manolo Moreno, Felipe Muhr, Ryan Peltier, Luisa Rivera, Xiaohua Yang, and Jo Yeh, with Graphic Design by Tianrui Zhang. The printing was done by Paper Press Punch in Seattle, WA.
The theme of the anthology is “Based on a True Story”.
Cover by Jo Yeh
Design by Tianrui Zhang
Printing by Paper Press Punch